Day 12-13: Cu Chi Tunnels & Ho Chi Minh City

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Cu Chi tunnels was one of the high lights of the trip. It's amazing how the Vietnamese could hide underground for so long. The tunnel system was just amazing and was practically a whole city underground with fully operational kitchens, sleeping rooms and other necessary facilities. But how did they get in there??

Scary death traps designed to make the American soldiers loose their morals while searching for those sneaky Vietnamese in the jungle..

As you can see from the fearful looks in our eyes those tunnels were pretty claustrophobic and after just 20 meters crawling underground we were more than happy to get out again. And this tunnel had even been expanded to fit the well fed tourists..

At the war museum in Saigon we saw some of the gruesome consequences from the use of agent orange during the Vietnam war. Agent orange was a desperate attempt to kill the vegetation that hit away the Vietcong soldiers but resulted in birth defects years after the war..