Day 5-6: Sapa

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Stayed at Chaulong Hotel in Sapa with the most spectacular view to the mountains and rice terraces. 

One of our guided trips took us to a small village where we met one of the minorities in Vietnam called the Red Dao people. The minorities only make up 15 per cent of the Vietnamese population and thus protected by the Vietnamese Government supported by UNESCO.

A day of a spectacular walk through a stunning scenery inhabited by an ethnic minority called the Black Hmong. These women came along and followed us all through our five km walk at the valley of their village hoping that at the end of the journey they would make a good sale.. We were surprised by their determination to sell their handicraft walking in thick dark traditional clothing under the burning heat, which however seemed to be a regular routine for them every time a new bus load of tourists came along.

Beautiful scenery of rice terraces at the valley of the Hmong people.